
SAB | Mobile Roadworthy Certificate | Brisbane


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SAB Safety Certificates conducts over 3000 Mobile Roadworthy inspections each year. Over the years we have developed a list of the most common roadworthy defects. outlined below are the most common items which are picked up at the time of a mobile roadworthy inspection.

Most Commonly Failed Item

Tyres, Tyres, Tyres! Check your tyres. Dont just check your tyres, check the tread on the inside and outside edge. Most wear occurs on the inside or outside edges due to alignment issues or incorrect pressure. The minimum legal tread amount across the whole face of the tyre that comes into contact with the road is 1.5mm. Also check the sidewall or shoulder for any type of damage. Any damage to the sidewall of a tyre will deem it defective. Sometimes we find a nail or screw in the tread of a tyre, so make sure to check all round the tyre.

  1. CV Joint Boots
    Splits in the CV boots are a roadworthy defect and picked up when the vehicle is jacked up. Usually this is due to wear and tear, however sometimes clamps may loosen, or damage may occur to the boot where it allows grease to escape.
  2. Oil Leaks
    Any engine component which leaks oil onto an exhaust component, brake component or onto the roadway, will fail a mobile roadworthy inspection. Usually vehicles over 10 years old, or generally over 150,000km develop leaks. Most common oil leaks which are picked up on a mobile roadworthy check are either from the rocker cover, rear main seal, or oil sump. Check under your vehicle for any oil wetness or drips in low lying area of your engine.
  3. Windscreen
    Chips, cracks, and tinting. Chips in the area the wipers sweep can sometimes be a defect. Cracks over 150mm can also be a defect. Tinting that is scratched, bubbling or distorted can also be a defect. Check your front and rear windscreen thoroughly before a mobile roadworthy inspection.
  4. Lights
    The easiest items to check are your lights. This is the second most failed roadworthy defect. With the help of a friend, check your brake lights, indicators and headlights. Also check fog lights if installed. Lenses on lighting components must not be cracked or damaged. Headlights must be clear and adjusted correctly.

SAB Safety Certificate

Your trusted source for Roadworthy Certificates in Queensland, Australia. We've been ensuring your safety on the road for over a decade. With SAB Safety Certificate, you're in reliable hands.
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